Planned use of groundwater resources in the state, management, research and exploration for underground water survey in 1975, independent organization known as the Department established a separate department. In 1983 the name changed to 'Department of groundwater has been ".
The primary objective of the research department of the state's groundwater resources, management, planning and related problems Srvenkshn , study, assessment, planning and development guidelines to be issued.
1624/62-1-2004-7 mandate W. P No. 0/2004 TC dated September 8, 2004 in the state groundwater protection, harvesting and recharging schemes for effective coordination and monitoring, research and exploration of groundwater, groundwater resources management and planning in the long term Directorate for the control of ground water and groundwater, "Nodal Agency" has been declared.
The implications and significance of irrigation became explicit in the second half of the 19th century as a result of the terrible and severe effect of the drought. The planned projects of irrigation implemented for accelerated development have proved fruitful in the period of severe drought occurred during 1897-98 and 1899-1900. With a view to tackling the problem of drought occurred in the country, the First Irrigation Commission constituted in the year 1901, was assigned to prepare and put up a report on the subject of irrigation. The Commission advised for developing the irrigation sources of personal endeavour. The Agricultural Reorganization Committee constituted by the Govt. in the year 1939, submitted its report in the year 1941 with the recommendation on various issues viz. the training on water lifting resource machinery, small/shallow boring, tube wells and well hole boring equipment. The above recommendation were implemented in the year 1947 under the supervision of Chief Engineer Agriculture. The irrigation program was executed in the state dividing it in three zones i.e. H.Q. were Meerut, Kanpur and Varanasi.
Thus the boring of personal tube wells was previously undertaken by Agricultural Engineering Dept. This Dept. was affiliated to the planning Dept. from 1st July, 1954 and afterwards Minor Irrigation Dept. was established by G.O. No. 5819/38-8-517/1964 dtd. 08.10.1964 in the year 1964 under the supervision of Commissioner, Agriculture Production and Rural Development Dept.